distance everyone is ???
First, a brief note:We've decided to use shortened links to ensure
that you can get to the pages we refer to in the newsletter. The links
just redirect and are perfectly safe. What this does is that we can
direct you to sites that have hugely long net addresses, and it will
always work, no matter how you view the newsletter.
Interested in Small Business?
We have restarted developing our website for owners and prospective
owners of small businesses. It's timely since you may know that it is
small business that is leading the economic recovery, that it's small
business that is helping to control at least some of the unemployment
levels, and a fair number of people who have lost their jobs in large
companies have started their own businesses. Our site, the Small
Business Resource Center offers links to important material on various
aspects of starting or running your small business.
http://smallbusiness411.org/index.shtml We add material at least
While you are there, consider buying our newest book, published by
McGraw-Hill, entitled Perfect Phrases For Managing Your Small
Business. It's a bit misnamed, because it isn't about just the things
you say, but will help you with all kinds of small business issues,
from deciding if starting a small business is for you right through to
marketing and more. We are very pleased with the content of this book
and at under $10 U.S. it's an amazing resource. Better yet, get it
right now, if you are even considering starting a small business, or
you are a vet. Grab a copy from amazon at http://bit.ly/Dgnwq .
Also related to this book is that we are adding articles based on or
reproducing sections of the book on our small business site in the
form of frequently asked questions and answers. It's a little bare but
adding stuff every day almost. http://smallbusiness411.org/faq/
Let's Get To The Free Stuff
Lots of neat stuff. First up, three free magazine subscription offers,
and there's no catch. You don't have to use your credit card and there
is none of this "you have to cancel or we will start charging you"
stuff. Well, wait, they will only give out subscriptions to qualified
professionals in the appropriate fields, and you have to be in the
First, there's TECH & LEARNING Magazine, which is the leading magazine
for those involved in the application of technology to learning and
education. Here's the description and to subscribe go to
For almost 30 years, Tech & Learning has served the K-12 education
community with cutting-edge news, practical resources and expert
strategies for transforming education through integration of digital
technologies. No other resource helps educators get up to speed with
the emerging technologies and products in order to best prepare
students for the global digital workforce.
Next is the leading magazine for website developers and owners:
WEBSITE MAGAZINE. Until now, there has not been a magazine that caters
exclusively to the business of running a website. Website Magazine has
tapped premier talent in the Internet industry for our content and
each and every issue will contain practical advice and insights for
website owners.
Get your free no-strings subscription at:
The final candidate in the free mag. subscriptions category is: SFO -
(STOCKS, FUTURES AND OPTIONS Magazine) and is to help investors, and
stock market players increase their understanding and their profits.
The magazine is a place for active traders to find consistently useful
and cutting-edge articles on markets, trading strategies and technical
methods, as well as economic and regulatory issues. The focus on
global and national news, commentary and methodologies in both
equities and derivatives markets offers information readers can use to
shape their personal investing styles and make the most of market
opportunities. The content within the high-quality pages of SFO can't
be found anywhere else. http://work911.tradepub.com/free/sfo/
There is NO limit on the number of offers you can apply for.
Free Whitepapers, etc.
Here are more free, no strings offers. In case you are wondering why
these are available, it's simple. Whitepaper publishers provide
informative material in the hope that you will become interested in
their products or services. Usually there's no real "sell", but they
want your eyeballs. It's a way that they can put their brand name in
front of qualified readers. I've downloaded a lot of these offers, and
honestly, I don't recall getting hardly any followup mail or calls.
One of the coolest categories of stuff is book summaries. I don't know
about you, but there are so many books I'd like to read, but I simply
don't have the time or energy to read everything I would like. Books
summaries/abstracts are one way to get around this, since they are
short readable summaries where you can learn and absorb the essence of
the original books. Are they as good as reading the books? You decide,
but as a writer, and a reader, I do sometimes wonder at how authors
spend 250 pages explaining a five page idea <grin>. Here are the ones
currently available plus links.
Acing the Interview: How to Ask and Answer the Questions That Will Get
You the Job! - Free Book Summary http://work911.tradepub.com/c/pubRD.mpl?sr=oc&_t=oc:&pc=w_geta16
"The Art of Engagement: Bridging the Gap Between People and
Possibilities - Free Book Summary" http://work911.tradepub.com/free/w_geta18/
"The Myth of Multitasking: How 'Doing It All' Gets Nothing Done - Free
Book Summary" http://work911.tradepub.com/free/w_geta17/
"The Google Story - Free Book Summary" http://work911.tradepub.com/free/w_geta13/
"The Effective Executive -The Definitive Guide to Getting the Right
Things Done - Free Book Summary"http://work911.tradepub.com/free/
"The Art of the Start - The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for
Anyone Starting Anything - Free Book Summary" http://work911.tradepub.com/free/w_geta15/
FINALLY, in case you haven't figured it out, if you go to
http://work911.tradepub.com/ you will find HUNDREDS of free trade
publication offers for webinars, trade magazines (e.g. Profit
Magazine), whitepapers and even free e-books (eg. 66 page ebook on
project management). We can't possibly do justice to all of them so
check them out yourself. Offers change regularly, almost daily, so
check back. I can personally vouch for the company and the integrity
of the endeavor. Again, a reminder that there is no limit for
publications you can apply for.
Learning To Fight Fair - Don't risk the relationships of those you
care about.
There's disagreement and arguments in any relationships, betwwen
spouses, between parents and children, between coworkers, and what
determines the effects on the relationships is NOT who wins, but how
each person "fights". The truth is we aren't taught to fight so that
we make our case assertively without hurting the other person, and as
the saying goes, we do always hurt the ones we love.
It's all about HOW we fight. Fighting fair refers to the use of ways
of arguing that do not result in the hurting of the other person. By
following simple guidelines and principles you can stop inflicting
emotional distress on others when you disagree, and then you are more
likely to be respected and cared for by the people who are important
to you.
We've set forth these principles and even the phrases you should
avoid, and what you can replace them with, in our easy to use "Learn
To Fight Fair Helpcard". Get a copy for yourself, so you can make sure
you don't accidentally use words to hurt someone you care about. Get a
copy for each of the members of your family, even. It's a great
discussion resource for the whole family, and the whole family can
learn how to treat each other respectfully, even in the midst of
anger. It could save a marriage. Or a mother and daughter
relationship. Or, even a relationship in the workplace.
It's so low cost - current price is $9.95 for the downloaded version
and $12.95 for the printed and laminated one that there is no excuse
not to learn to fight fair. What price can you put on your
relationships? Get your copies at: http://busylearners.com/products/i-cfightfair.htm
Oh, one more thing. We all know the holiday season in December is
often fraught with tension, and sometimes arguments increase. The time
is NOW to start working on fighting fair, since, while it takes only
30 minutes to read our helpcard, it may take you weeks to practice and
get into the habit of fighting fair!
Some Material New On Our Websites:
Wondering about all the buzz about social learning and informal
learning? Me too. I have my say, and it's controversial. Informal
Learning's on first, Whats on second, and I Don't Give a Damn is on
Third http://bit.ly/1NEaki
Ice Breakers – Creating Conditions For Active Listening (Guidelines
and Do's, Don'ts For Icebreakers) http://bit.ly/2lWL0f
17 "Must Ask" Questions for Planning Successful Projects http://bit.ly/1bjCrH
Small Business Strategy: Competing On Price Dangers http://bit.ly/2cPQlz
This is just a sampling of the new material we've added since the last
newsletter, so feel free to drop in at our network of websites (see
Let me leave you with a short piece from my Bacal's Laws series.
Bacal's Laws: From 20 Feet Away Everyone Seems Normal http://bit.ly/2gMJet
This is a deceptively simple concept that affects much of our lives.
It explains that from a distance, or with people we don't know well
(and we may not know many people well) everyone seems psychologically
intact, or "normal".
Until you know people well, they will not tend to display their
abnormalities, or neuroses.
Well, ya, it's kind of obvious. But we forget. We tend to think that
others are better off than we are, because a) we have access to our
own inner turmoil, and b) we do NOT have access to the internal
emotional turmoil of others.
Here's a Practical Implication
When I used to train teachers, instructors and public speakers, my
"students" often worried about their nerves and that the audience
would know how terrified they were. They would do practice sessions,
and STILL believe that the audience noticed their terror. And, they
believed that the other students were quite calm when they practiced.
The reason was, as above, the students accessed their own internal
fears, while not being able to access the fears of others. The result
was an impediment to learning.
Interestingly enough, I was able to teach them to get past the idea
that the audience would sense their terror, by doing a video playback
of their practice, coupled with some careful questioning. When I
played the segments back, I asked the student to point out the parts
that gave away nervousness. Often the could not.
Coupled with an explanation of: From 20 feet away everyone seems
normal, they were able to realize that, for the most part, they all
shared some nervousness pretty equally, and that the audience never
Or as the rabbi said to me as a 13 year old. "Son, if you forget the
words, or the tune just keep going because nobody but you and I are
going to know, and I'm not telling." Oy vey.
Our Sites:
Just a quick summary of our sites that have information on the
following topics:
Training and Development Resource Center:http://thetrainingworld.com
Free Learning Stuff: http://free2thee.com
Small Business Resource Center: http://smallbusiness411.org
Small Business Blog (new material): http://smallbusiness411.org/wp/
Leadership Resource Center: http://work911.com/leadership-development/index.html
Communication Resource Center: http://www.work911.com/communication/index.htm
Conflict (both workplace and family) http://conflict911.com
Business, Strategic and Personal Planning: http://www.work911.com/planningmaster/index.html
Performance Management & Appraisal: http://performance-appraisals.org
Customer Service: http://customerservicezone.com
Our Main Site: http://www.work911.com
Multi-Purpose Articles Database: http://www.articles911.com
To new subscribers: The work911 newsletter is published no more than
once a week and contains articles on all things work related, and
contains other work related resources, and updates about our sites,
and their contents. Past history indicates we publish about every ten
days. Subscribe at http://work911.com/newsletter.htm
Don't forget that you can access free, useable previews of over twenty
of our books and helpcards at:
and that we continue to offer special freebie offers and discounts to
our newsletter subscribers! (and our toolbar owners!)
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