Monday, December 27, 2010 has shared: Angry to Evangelist – Six Steps to Flip the Switch from Angry Customer to Loyal Fan, Free Deliver Bliss eBook

We are making some changes to how the newsletter works for 2011, and we'll start passing on particularly interesting material via links on a regular basis. First up: Angry To Evangelist. It's about dealing with angry customers, and worth a look if you deal with customers. Here's more info:

As you read through these six steps, think about prior experiences you've had with your customers. Take the time to think through those situations and come up with ways you could have made them better. You may be practicing some of these steps already, but that doesn't mean you can't improve. This eBook will provide you with some examples of what you can say/write, but please don't consider them a script. Throw your scripts away. Your attitude, sincerity, and a well thought out strategy are all you need.

There's nothing groundbreaking here, but that's kind of the point. Getting back to the basics of customer service is what you need to do. Expanding on those basics and applying them to real-world situations is what makes them work. Take what you learn here and apply it to your business. Remember, customer service is the new marketing; your customers can sell for you or they can sell against you.

With this free eBook you will also receive periodic email updates, tips, and best practices relating to customer experience, customer service, leadership, and word-of-mouth strategies.
Angry to Evangelist – Six Steps to Flip the Switch from Angry Customer to Loyal Fan, Free Deliver Bliss eBook
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