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Women in the Boardroom: Should the U.S. Have Quotas? | Business Ethics
Columnist Gael OÂ'Brien says the U.S. has failed to show leadership in gender diversity on corporate boards, raising questions about what it can learn from other countries that have imposed quotas for women directors. While quotas can stir up discomfort, she writes, thereÂ's a Â"complacency, even smugnessÂ" about boardroom diversity in the U.S. that argues in favor of requiring companies to take action. (19-Oct-2011)
Ask people in the nonprofit world who is to blame for poor board performance, and you won't get agreement. Some people say it's the board's fault. Others say it's the CEO's. Rarely do these conflicting ideas get argued in public. But at the annual meeting of BoardSource, I had the opportunity to debate the point in front of an audience. Two-person teams argued opposing points of view on that and other controversial topics. At the conclusion of our comments, the audience voted. (17-Oct-2011)
Today's job market demands that we make learning a lifelong process, constantly acquiring new skills, education, and training. Whether you're embarking on a totally new career in mid-life; going back for that advanced degree to help position yourself for a promotion; or volunteering in a field completely different from your paid job, lifelong learning promises a life filled with excitement, wonder, and healthy challenges. (31-Oct-2011)
A Focus on Lifelong Learning for Career Success: The Reasons and Benefits to Continue Education for Workplace Skills | Suite101.com
A common question adults have when considering continuing education is focused on the benefits of completing a college degree or graduate degree. This is a valid concern because of the financial costs and time required to complete a degree program. The simple answer is that the days of working for the same company for a lifetime rarely exist today, due to global competition. Because of this, most adults change their careers several times during their lifetime. (31-Oct-2011)
Assuming the public school system hasnÂ't crushed your soul, learning is a great activity. It expands your viewpoint. It gives you new knowledge you can use to improve your life. Even if you discount the worldly benefits, the act of learning can be a source of enjoyment. But in a busy world, it can often be hard to fit in time to learn anything that isnÂ't essential. The only things learned are those that need to be. Everything beyond that is considered frivolous. Even those who do appreciate the practice of lifelong learning, can find it difficult to make the effort. Here are some tips for installing the habit of lifelong learning: (31-Oct-2011)
The ads and popups are a disgrace for a professional site, but the article is decent. Excerpt: Evaluating teachers is one of the most difficult jobs in any school district. The Montgomery County (Maryland) Public Schools handle teacher evaluation by incorporating it into an in-depth, wide-ranging approach to teacher learning called the Professional Growth System. Education World takes a close look at the system's practical elements and how it works.
N.E.A. Shifts Position on Teacher Evaluations - NYTimes.com
This is big, since traditionally teachers unions have fought loudly against looking at student achievement when evaluating teachers. Excerpt: Catching up to the reality already faced by many of its members, the nationÂ's largest teachersÂ' union on Monday affirmed for the first time that evidence of student learning must be considered in the evaluations of school teachers around the country.
99 Questions To Jump Start Your Partner Channel Brain
In 1996, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, a psychology professor at the University of Chicago discovered how Nobel laureates and other creative people achieved their breakthroughs--Once they asked themselves the right question, their ideas flowed rapidly. Ten years later, McKinsey & Co. took this finding one step farther, examining how the most successful companies in recent history (startups to F500 firms) had achieved their positions. They found that a number of important innovations sprang from responses to particular questions.
So this book is for creating breakthroughs in Partner Channels. Having the right questions gives your team a decided advantage over your competitors. Register for this FREE eBook and you will receive eBook updates and relevant B2B sales & marketing insights for business leaders, courtesy of Venture Marketing.