It's driving me nuts. I'm working on my next book, for an audience of teachers, ed. admin. people, school board officials, and support staff who deal with parents and community members.
The book is a guide to dealing with the challenges of working with parents, or others who are on the demanding, and even sometimes aggressive side, with the theme that "it takes a village to educate a child". So, trying to build bridges between home and school.
I want the title to be:
catchy, but clear what's in the book
positive sounding with respect to both parents and schools staff, since the book is a "no blame" zone that focuses on working together for the benefit of the students/children
has to have both a main title, and a sub-title like
"Teacher Speak: Building Bridges Between The Home and The School", or
Educator Speak: Dealing With The Challenges Of Building Bridges Between The Home and School"
What do you think of either of those?
I've done two previous books similar to this one, one called "If It Wasn't For The Customers I'd Really Like This Job: Stop Angry, Hostile Customers COLD While Remaining Professional, Stress Free, Efficient and Cool As A Cucumber" (for customer service staff), and
Defusing Hostile Customer Workbook For The Public Sector
Both titles are a bit negative sounding.
So, got an ideas, suggestions? Sue would appreciate it. If you have ideas, you can reply to this message.
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